Terms & Policies


All reservations are done online. If you have a gift certificate or have questions, you can reach us at throwin.gold@gmail.com or 210-494-9100

All seats in a class or workshop are by advanced reservation only. Payment in full is required to fully book a seat in any workshop or four week class. Please be aware of our Cancellation/Refund Policy below BEFORE completing any registration.


All cancellations must be done with at least 72 hrs notice before your first class or workshop. Any refunds, if needed, will be in the form of a credit towards a future class or workshop. NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY NO-SHOWS OR CANCELLATIONS WITH LESS THAN 72 HRS NOTICE.


We accept all major credit cards, but we love checks or cash!!


We understand life gets in the way sometimes, and if you need to miss a class we’ll do our best to make it up. Make-ups are done by adding you to another class that is working on the same schedule as yours. Please understand that sometimes this will mean you’ll have to wait a bit for the make-up, or you may not be able to get one. There will be NO private make-up classes available.